著作物 Publications

著書 Books

2016: 「コンセプトとしての人権:その多角的アプローチ」、現代人文社(監訳)。

2016: Human Rights and Drug Control: the False Dichotomy (Hart Publishing)


2015: 「パレスチナ人は苦しみ続ける なぜ国連で解決できないのか」、現代人文社。注文される方はこちらから。


2014: Human Rights, Human Security, and State Security: the Intersection, ed. (Praeger Security International).


1991: 「NAM:禁じられた戦場の記憶」(訳)、透土社。


学術論文や書籍のチャプターなど                   Academic articles, chapters in books, and other publications

2016: "Daiyou Kangoku: Systemic Human Rights Violations in Pre-indictment Detention in Japan", in Leanne Weber et al ed., The Routledge International Handbook on Criminology and Human Rights (Routledge, UK).

2016: "Japan's Descent into Authoritarianism", GlobalResearch.  

2015-16: 国際反差別運動(International Movement against All Forms of Racism and Discrimination)通信にて、ビジネスと人権に関する4回の連載

2015: "The Death Penalty for Drug Offences in China and Human Rights: a Leap of Faith", in Stephan Blancke ed., East Asian Intelligence and Organised Crime (Verlag Dr Koester, Germany). 


2014: "Is the Tide Turning against Discrimination of Women in Japanese Workplaces?", Business and Human Rights Resource Centre (this one is very short).


2014: "Scrapping Japan's Pacifist Constitution? Prime Minister Abe's Ongoing Militarization Campaign", GlobalResearch. German translation on antikrieg.com can be found here.


2014: Japan's Authoritarian Criminal Justice System: a System that Breeds Human Rights Violations, Counterpunch.


2014: "Beyond Yasukuni: Japan's March towards Militarism", openDemocracy.


2013: "Japan's Designated Secrets Bill: the Sounds of the Jackboots", openDemocracy.


2013: "Human Rights and Drug Control - Getting through the Fiction", in Mina de Carashusansky ed., Drogas y Derechos Humanos (Brujas Publishing, Argentina).


2013: "The Right to Revolution in International Law", in J. Harold Ellens ed., Winning Revolutions (Praeger Security International).


2013: "Drug Control and Human Rights: Frequently Asked Questions", World Federation against Drugs.


2011: "Combating Evil: Human Rights, International Law, and the Global Community", in J. Harold Ellens ed., Explaining Evil (Praeger Security International).


2009: "Drug Control, Human Rights, and the Right to the Highest Attainable Standard of Health: By No Means Straightforward Issues", Human Rights Quarterly (John Hopkins University Press), 2009: 748-751.


2007: "Peacebuilding Tool or Putting the Cart Before the Horse? The Legalisation of Opium Poppy Cultivation in Afghanistan", 日本学術振興会平和構築研究会ディスカッションペーパー第11番。


2002: 「難民認定、人権か国益か」、論座(朝日新聞社)10月号、220-227頁。英訳はJapan Echo誌、韓国語訳は Japan Forum誌に掲載。


2002: "Recourse to Human Rights Treaty Bodies for Monitoring of the Refugee Convention", Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights (Kluer Publishers), 2002: 53-74.






1999: 「世界新秩序と難民」、「自由と正義」(日本弁護士連合会)6月号、130-137頁。


1999: "The Concept of Duties in International Human Rights Law", International Council on Human Rights Policy.


1997: "The UNHCR Handbook on Voluntary Repatriation: the Emphasis of Return over Protection", International Journal of Refugee Law (Oxford University Press), 1997: 593-612.






2018年4月、カリフォルニア州大バークレー校で開催された9th Annual Islamophobia Conference: the Road Traveledで発表しました!


2017年3月、マレーシアのラジオ局Business, Finance and More (BFM)でパレスチナに関して取材されました!



2016年8月、英Routledge Publishingより出版されたThe Routledge International Handbook on Criminology and Human Rightsが出版されました!日本の代用監獄にまつわる人権侵害について出費つさせていただきました。



2016年6月、英国Hart Publishingより、人権と麻薬に関する著書Human Rights and Drug Control: the False Dichotomy が出版されました!



2015年ビジネスと人権に関する国際会議 in 東京で発表(経済人コー円卓会議、Institute for Business and Human Rights、Business & Human Rights Resource Centre、UN Working Group on the Issue of Human Rights and Transnational Corporations主催)


